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27 August1972
Free Mozambique
Franco Cigarini
Original sound

In 1972, Mozambique's war of independence was underway. The FRELIMO (Frente de Libertaçao de Moçambique) guerrillas fight against the colonial rule of the Portuguese. On 27 August, a 'solidarity' delegation from Reggio Emilia left Italy for the African country. Franco Cigarini is part of it, who will make the 16mm documentary '10 days with the guerrillas in free Mozambique', of which we show a short extract. "This land is ours, Mozambicans.... Workers and peasants, workers in plantations, sawmills and concessions, workers in mines, railways, ports and workshops, intellectuals, civil servants, students, Mozambican soldiers in the Portuguese army, men, women, young people, patriots, in the name of you all the frelimo today solemnly proclaims the general armed insurrection of the Mozambican People against Portuguese colonialism for the conquest of the total and complete Independence of Mozambique. Our struggle will only end with the total liquidation of Portuguese colonialism'. The words of Eduardo Mondlane, the first president of FRELIMO, open the documentary calling the people to the struggle. Mondlane, considered the father of independent Mozambique, was murdered in 1969, when Cigarini made the film a couple of years before the liberation, which would be achieved in 1974.

In collaboration with the Panizzi Library of Reggio Emilia.
