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22 August1930
Our Gang
Famiglia Barzizza
"Pagina dalbum" & "Illusione in blues" - Music by Pippo Barzizza

Holiday rest is not infrequently accompanied by boredom. Without knowing what to do, especially for those who are active people, the holiday risks becoming torture. However, this is not the case for the volcanic Pippo Barzizza who, in the middle of August 1930 on the Ligurian Riviera, invents a fictional film involving local children as actors, whom we imagine to be the children of relatives and friends, of the baker and the greengrocer. Pippo has no shortage of initiatives, and indeed every opportunity is good to involve and entertain his community. Amateur cinema is the perfect tool if you have ideas and improvised means. This is how 'The Adventures of Dorino' was born, a film with children playing adult roles, just like in 'Our Gang', the film series launched in the 1920s by Hal Roach that was and will be so successful in the decades to come. In the episode we present, Dorino and his trusty sidekick embark on a frantic chase to rescue poor Lucy, who has been kidnapped by the treacherous Barile (Barrel). The latter flees in a big car while the two executioners chase him with a pedal car and a mini-bike. Love will triumph again this time on Barzizza's screens. The film is silent. We were told that Pippo Barzizza sometimes improvised the musical accompaniment to his films on the piano at the time of the screening. The old recording we found and associated with the images is a completely impromptu choice of ours, and if it works for you, it can at most be considered a nice coincidence.
