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16 August1929
The Palio of Siena
Ambrogio Orlando
Music by Carlo Simoni & Lapo Boschi

"In the Campo di Siena on 16 August 1929 THE PALIO will be run. The members of the Contrade and the representatives of the Municipality will gather at 4.00 p.m. in Piazza del Duomo, Courtyard of the Palazzo del Governo, and will move through the streets of the Capitano di San Pietro and the Casato, stopping in the small square of the same name to await the orders of the Deputies of the festival. At 5.30 p.m. the historical procession will enter the Campo to the sound of the Major Bell. 

It will be preceded by the Municipal standard-bearer with the Palace musicians and the standard-bearers of the cities, lands and castles forming the ancient Sienese State. They will be followed by the Captain of the People, the representatives of the Terzieri of Siena and the masses and the members of the Contrade participating in the race (Drago, Selva, Leocorno, Valdimontone, Onda, Giraffa, Civetta Lupa, Istrice, Nicchio). After the Paggi del Comune bearing laurel festoons will come the members of the Contrade not taking part in the race (Bruco, Pantera, Tartuca, Aquila, Oca, Chiocciola, Torre). They will be followed by the representatives of the Arts Guilds escorted by the Captain of Justice and the Knights representing the Contrade that no longer exist (Gallo, Leone, Orso, Quercia, Spadaforte, Vipera). This will be followed by the triumphant chariot carrying the trumpeters, the four providers of the biccherna and the palio awarded as a prize to the winning contrada. The procession will be closed by the armigers of the municipality after all the members of the contrada have occupied their assigned places, the race will take place according to the rules laid down by the Prefecture and the municipal authority'. This precise programme is reported in the publicity poster of the Palio di Siena to perpetuate the public ritual and is largely filmed in 16mm by Ambrogio Orlando.
