In his small gauge films, Don Cirillo Vitalini documents life in Tirano and the Valtellina for decades. With an amateur, familiar and at first glance ethnographic gaze, he captures everyday life on the slopes and plateaus of the valley during all four seasons. It records agricultural traditions, developments in technology, the distribution of work and the sense of community among the villagers. This footage, dated 16 November 1961 by Vitalini himself with a superimposed inscription, is an example of this. A portrait of people occupied in the most disparate daily tasks, from those doing masonry work on a building site of an old house that is being renovated to those laying pipes in the street, passing by those washing their shiny new Seicento, to those reading the Gazzetta dello Sport on their breaks, lingering over the smiles of the elderly and the looks of the children. A present that combines the past with the future, that of Don Vitalini, who does his job as priest and ethnographer also and thanks to his 8mm camera.